Making do

Some months ago, probably last November, I started having a problem with my keyboard. Unless pressed in a particular way the “p” key simply would not work.  This was soon followed by the “u” key, the “i”, several numbers and the brackets. At Christmas my middle son attempted a solution, which improved things for about a day…

I made do but I restricted creativity to the things I absolutely had to do.  It is surprising how many words require a “p”, a “u” or an “i” (not to mention brackets) and I got fed up with having to reread all my sentences instantly and correct them to avoid gibberish. Now that I have at last got a working keyboard again, I realise that having shelved creativity for the last few months it is something I will need to work on.  I can’t myself, just put it down and pick it straight back up again.  What is it I want to say and how do I find the words to say it?   

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